Discover the most MYSTERIOUS and FASCINATING creatures of mythology in this video dedicated to the Top 10 Shapeshifters. We'll explore the legends of the Werewolf, the cursed being of European folklore that transforms into a fierce wolf during full moon nights, and the Vampire, the IMMORTAL creature that feeds on human blood to maintain eternal youth.

We'll travel to Native American cultures to learn about the Skinwalker, the feared SHAPESHIFTER of Navajo mythology, capable of taking on various animal forms, and the Nagual, the Mesoamerican shaman who transforms into powerful animals like the jaguar. From the East, we'll meet the Kitsune and Bakeneko, Japanese creatures known for their cunning and ability to DECEIVE through metamorphosis.

We won't miss the stories of the Selkies from Celtic folklore, marine beings who can transform into humans, and the Aswang and Penanggalan from Southeast Asia, known for their terrifying transformations. We'll conclude with the Encantado, the shapeshifting dolphin from Brazilian folklore that seduces humans with its charm.

Get ready to discover how these legendary creatures have influenced MYTHS and LEGENDS worldwide. Subscribe to the channel to not miss more fascinating videos like this one!

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